
Audubon Engagement: Connecting People & Birds

Sullys Hill Learning Center near Devils Lake is now an interactive bird and wildlife education facility, as a result of Audubon’s collaborative partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


Sullys Hill Learning Center near Devils Lake is now an interactive bird and wildlife education facility, as a result of Audubon’s collaborative partnership with the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Now that the construction phase is done, we are excited to engage a diverse range of conservation partners and new constituents, including birders, students, farmers/landowners, and families in learning about, enjoying, and protecting our unique Prairie Potholes.

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Social Media – Recognizing the importance of the emerging media reach, Audubon Dakota has increased its social media profile by adding Facebook, Google+, Flickr (Yahoo), UStream, Vimeo, YouTube, and twitter accounts. This integrated online social profile has allowed our program to engage significantly more supporters, while simultaneously introducing our brand to new audiences. With the support and mentorship of the Board of Stewards, Audubon Dakota will expand on this success with new ways to enhance the importance of birds and our natural habitats.

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